Three Big Solar Benchmarks Happening Right Now


We've been talking about the attractiveness of solar options for a while. However, right now is another inflection point where solar continues to take off in a big way. That’s exciting for many of our customers, and many people who are still thinking for the first time about getting involved. We’re here to make it simple! We help to explain the context and help our clients to put an actionable plan in place.


Here are some concrete examples of what's happening in the solar world right now. These signs of progress are driving more interest in getting commercial and residential solar systems in place to help promote green energy.


Solar Stocks Pop


One current indicator is in the stock market, where various solar stocks are having explosive growth.


In the first week of the year, Sunpower was up 10%, Renesola was up an incredible 38%, and companies like Enphase have seen increases above 5% to 7% in the same week.


As 2021 officially starts, we're seeing renewed interest in solar from investors in all parts of the spectrum. That’s propelling these ticker symbols upward and getting the attention of even more traders.


Building In Overcapacity


Here's another concrete example of how solar is taking off.


Big companies like Amazon have been creating solar farms for quite a while. But now some of the biggest installations are said to have built in overcapacity to account for future demand.


This sign is important because it shows how solar is taking over from the traditional grid-connected energy solution.


Taking Over Legacy Installations


In other news, we’re also seeing solar gain in terms of property use. In other words, the infrastructure is taking over from obsolete uses where property had been abandoned or wasn't performing to par.


When the DuPont Potomac River Works explosive manufacturing facility becomes the Bedington Energy Facility, to use one recent example, what you're seeing is people turning old operations and processes into new ones. There is perhaps no more direct symbol of solar taking over from mountaintop coal mining than an explosives company being turned into a solar installation!


For more on how to benefit from this yourself, go to We Are Solar Masters and check out what we do for commercial and residential solar. We’re proud of our track record in an industry that’s really going somewhere! That has helped up to scale, and offer our customers more – more know-how, more equipment stocking, and well, more. Give us a call and let’s talk solar.
